Palo Verde Bus and Transportation Information Resources

Welcome to the Palo Verde Valley Bus Resources. We offer the best online resources for information on California transportation safety, trucking safety, passenger routes, as well as the history of small Southern California transit agencies like Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency® and Desert Roadrunner®, Arcadia Transit®, Alhambra Community Transit®, Atascadero Transit®, all the way to Downtown Los Angeles.
Also, if you have information you would like to donate to help make this site more user-friendly, contact us. This site covers information such as what the Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency, or Orange County Transit District, can provide. This includes all types of different transportation options in California. So it covers cities like Palo Verde Valley, Rancho Palos Verdes Estates, LA Metro, or San Francisco County areas, for example.
What is the Nexus of Our Related Bus Information?
Palo Verde Bus fashions itself the “Desert Roadrunner®.” But the Palos Verdes Estates area is higher income. Also, it has no such dial a ride type bus service, other than a taxi or regular bus service routes. But Desert Roadrunner® provided this up until this page was created. In fact, it had a demand responsive dial-a-ride and fixed route transit services within the Palo Verde Valley, seven days a week.
Plus, this site even offers info on bus accidents, to local bus companies like Big Blue Bus in Santa Monica. So whether you suffered a bus crash injury, or simply need to know where to locate a local bus company, you’ll find it here.
Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency TM and The Partnership to Preserve Independent Living For Seniors and Persons With Disabilities, has provided passengers who are senior citizens, ages 60 years and older, or individuals with disabilities and the needy, with mileage reimbursement transportation who do not live near Desert Roadrunner TM service. There are many other cool things you can learn here. So get On Board…..and enjoy the Ride!
What’s Happening On The Roadrunner TM and Other Agencies?
All Programs & Services in the information we have provided, are always subject to change, without notice! So please contact the Management of those agencies, for more details! Last, to communicate with the Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency (Click here.) directly, call (760) 922-4900. So feel free to contact us to submit an editorial for consideration.
For Information on any Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency Services…
Call …Services Will Be Around at (760) 922-1140, (800) COMMUTE or for TDD/TTY users, 711 or Palo Verde Valley Cab at (760) 921-3332. To contact the Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency directly, call (760) 922-4900.
Get On Board…You’ll Like The Ride!
Email the Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency for more information.